Welcome to Hebei xiongx大妹ian xuri paper plastics packagin見動g co.,ltd. The official 務樹website!

Multi-layer co-extrusion high barri門有er packaging material supp廠民lier
Provide a variety of一老 product packaging solutions


We have advanced equipment

Source: Time:2019-04-17 14:38:他錢00 views:

The company has built more than 9 layer知去, 7 layer, 7 layer co不公extrusion blowing equipment, equipment和明 has SCD coextrusion blow molding d光銀ie, automatic die head and automatic土到 film lip clear下件ance adjustment
The company has built more than 9 l站電ayer, 7 layer, 7 layer coextrusio近現n blowing equipment, equ地黑ipment has SCD coextrusion blo是能w molding die, automatic die head腦聽 and automatic film lip clea短少rance adjustment system, automatic 工上adjusting type several 區老ring, computer control system and so o通動n.Film blowing equipment on behal理做f of the international first-class l長靜evel, wherein the 9 layer blown f科分ilm equipment for說公 China's first.麗道Advanced equipment t醫訊o ensure product qualit中舊y and production capacity, ca紅這n in the first time to protect 上得the interests of custo年金mers.